
Landmine Pack w/ Avatar Dynamics for VRChat - [VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]

  • ダウンロード商品
    ¥ 1,600

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚠ THIS IS A LICENSED PRODUCT ⚠ Requires a working internet connection to use. ⚠ By buying this you have read and ⚠ agreed to the Terms Of Service (https://t.ly/-H0Tw) ⚠ and Privacy Policy (https://t.ly/X4y7y). ⚠ Our server might take up to 5 minutes to register the purchase. ⚠ - - - - - - - - - KTEK - Landmines (with Avatar Dynamics!) You can place up to 3 interactable Landmines. If someone steps on it, it'll go boom (but anyone can also defuse it!) The Landmines are optimized and good looking with unique Animations, Sounddesign, Particle FX and more! Avatar Dynamics and Gesture Toggles are being used to place and pick up the Landmines seamlessly! Avatar Dynamics [アバターダイナミクス], Particle FX [パーティクルFX], 7 specially tailored Audio components [オーディオ] and more!

Landmine Pack w/ Avatar Dynamics for VRChat - [VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]
Landmine Pack w/ Avatar Dynamics for VRChat - [VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]
Landmine Pack w/ Avatar Dynamics for VRChat - [VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]
Landmine Pack w/ Avatar Dynamics for VRChat - [VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚠ THIS IS A LICENSED PRODUCT ⚠ Requires a working internet connection to use. ⚠ By buying this you have read and ⚠ agreed to the Terms Of Service (https://t.ly/-H0Tw) ⚠ and Privacy Policy (https://t.ly/X4y7y). ⚠ Our server might take up to 5 minutes to register the purchase. ⚠ - - - - - - - - - KTEK - Landmines (with Avatar Dynamics!) You can place up to 3 interactable Landmines. If someone steps on it, it'll go boom (but anyone can also defuse it!) The Landmines are optimized and good looking with unique Animations, Sounddesign, Particle FX and more! Avatar Dynamics and Gesture Toggles are being used to place and pick up the Landmines seamlessly! Avatar Dynamics [アバターダイナミクス], Particle FX [パーティクルFX], 7 specially tailored Audio components [オーディオ] and more!

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