Grenade Pack for VRChat - [グレネード, VRチャット, アバターダイナミクス, 武器, 爆弾, スモーク, ミリタリー, 爆発的な]
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KTEK - Grenade Pack Bring your Roleplay to the next level with this Grenade Pack! It consists of 7 physical grenades that can be thrown! The audio as well as the detonation travels with them!
- - Menu toggles / Features explained - -
• Cooking Grenades - Every Grenade has a 10sec cooking time. • Gesture and Physbone driven - Pull the pin, let go of the handle/button and throw it! • Aimhelper (local) - helps determining the trajectory of the Grenade • Throw Gimmick - show off by throwing the nade a couple inches up! • Full prefab or optimized one with slightly less materials and lights to choose from. • You can choose between Write Default On/Off too. However Write Default On is limited to one grenade or flare toggeled active at all time. If you change from one grenade/flare to another the effects like smoke will disappear. Most effects stay when using a Write Default Off setup when switching grenades after detonation. • Pack includes KTEK designed Grenades with a visible + audible fuse AND regular US military ones (without visible + audible fuse) They share the same effects. Some just prefer regular US military ones more than the KTEK designed.
- - Grenade Types - -
• White/Black Hue Shift Smoke Grenades • Tear Gas (+visual distortion and noise when being inside of the smoke) • Frag Grenade • Flashbang (it flashes you... literally.) • Flare - Hue Shiftable
- - The Package & Dependencies - -
• NOT QUEST / ANDROID COMPATIBLE. • KTEK Installer Script • Setup Video & Setup Document (README) • Substance Painter file [TG-06-23, SG-06-23, FG-06-23 and FB-06-23 Grenade models - not the military ones!] • Blender File • FBX
- - Required - -
• VRChat SDK 3.0 - 2022.1.1 or later! [Free] • Mochie (1.37 or later) [Free]
- - Terms - -
• Public Avatars: OK • Private Avatars: OK • Sharing Files: PROHIBITED • Reselling / Claiming it as your own work: PROHIBITED
- - Credits - -
• TG-06-23, SG-06-23, FG-06-23 and FB-06-23 Grenade models: modelling, particle fx, audio and texturing by me. • Flare (Frodo Undead - Sketchfab) [CC BY 4.0] -> Changes made: Adjusted UV and merged materials. •Flashbang Model 7290M (Enzo Amanrich - Sketchfab) [CC BY 4.0] ->Changes made: Optimized polygon count and rigged for VRChat. Frag Grenade M67 (NNeako - Sketchfab) [CC BY 4.0] -> Changes made: Optimized polygon count and rigged for VRChat. MK Smoke MUN-1632 (Ravi.Saini- Sketchfab) [CC BY 4.0] -> Changes made: Optimized polygon count and rigged for VRChat. VRLabs for their Rigidbody Launcher Unitypackage. This builds up on it.
- - Update Log - -
- - V1.0 - - - initial release - - V1.0.1 - - - Corrected the initial mesh rotation when throwing. - - V1.0.2 - - - Repositioned the trajectory helper so it's not relying on a absolute armature path anymore. - Grenades can't be juggeled when already thrown anymore. - - V1.0.21 - - - enabled WD On for an Animationsstate that broke some toggles when using a WD On controller. - - V1.0.3 - - - Rigidbody collider is off now when not actively using grenades. - - V1.0.4 - - - Fixed a reference issue when VRLabs Rigidbody was already present in the project